240129 – MOOVPAD Apps & Future Planning

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Building Blocks For Future Apps

I gave myself a whole day yesterday to do no coding or interface designing, and just see the big picture of how the projects have developed so far with a focus on how to simplify future work and projects. With the MOOVPAD Web App, it really was my first attempt to build anything like that (although I had built an in-house clinic management app for my own use years ago).

Moving through that process was challenging but some good learning also happened. That helped when it came time to work on the MOOVPAD Desktop App because even though there were differences in terms of the interface layer, building the desktop version (or the main parts so far at least) helped me get a better understanding of how web and desktop modules that I'll be building in future need to be developed. By this I mean how they need to integrate functionally but also maintain their own purpose, working from the same or similar codebase objects. Even though there's more work to be done on the desktop version especially... valuable lessons.

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Taking these same concepts and building the MOOVPAD Mobile App has been a bit smoother overall. I realise that I mentioned the errors with the class library, but until I started working on this version, there was no way for me to see these or plan for them. So more valuable lessons, forcing further segmentation and maintaining the discrete functional purpose of the building blocks while retaining core integration. All of these things are important lessons for anyone building any kind of application. But for MOOVPAD, these lessons are even more valuable for a very specific reason.

The app modules built so far for the scientific framework only scratch the surface of what's yet to come in terms of training and assessment. Beyond this also, there are new extensions to this scientific framework being developed. And there are more modules being planned that will further extend the scope and functionality of current and future MOOVPAD apps.

Ongoing goal: building blocks, flexibility of augmentation, discrete and clearly delineated purpose to the modules and the apps, while maintaining cohesion between them.

And you know I was thinking hard enough to make my brain bleed because I used dictionary words 🙂

Stay awesome,


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For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.