240114 – MOOVPAD Apps – Quick Progress Overview


May - Sep 2022 Razor & Blazor

Within the last 2 years, there has actually been some considerable progress made across all of the MOOVPAD projects, but especially the apps. This began with some learning of a brand new area for me personally: the use of Razor and Blazor frameworks over a period of about 4-5 months (while working on the texts for the PAPE science).

Sep '22 To Sep '23 Blazor WASM

Throughout the year from Sep 2022 to Sep 2023, my progress focused on more learning and development in Blazor WASM. This was after realising some of the limits of each framework in terms of how I wanted the end result for the MOOVPAD Web App to turn out. I'm still learning more about this framework as well, and will likely refine some of that work later. The other major part of that year was continuing the work on the underlying class library and PAPE scientific framework, with a lot more to come on that latter part in the future.

Screenshot 2023-07-15 081039
Screenshot 2023-10-26 214747

Sep '23 To Jan '24 Desktop

Over the past few months, the goal was developing a new version of the MOOVPAD Desktop App for general users. I've been using the WinForm framework for this rather than WPF. The main reason for this was that I wanted to develop custom controls and screens that I could carry over into the pro version later, and that version will need to be built using the WinForm framework.

Jan - Apr 2024 Mobile

I've just started working on the MOOVPAD Mobile App this month. After a few days getting my mind around the XAML markup language itself, I'm now able to build the mobile version while continuing to refine the class library used for all of the apps and versions above. The mobile app development itself is mainly UI design and markup at this stage.

Screenshot 2024-01-13 011902
Screenshot 2023-12-26 180320

May - Oct 2024 Desktop Pro

With all of the foundations for the different apps and platforms above sorted, I'm hoping to start working on the MOOVPAD Desktop Pro some time around May - June this year. The goal is to get as much of that done as possible in 5-6 months. That may sound like an easy goal to achieve, and probably would be from a purely programming perspective for a seasoned developer. But there's a bit more to the MOOVPAD apps than just the underlying programming (science, professional considerations, etc).

From There...

My hope is that I can then spend the following 6 months or so focused on the beta testing of all the MOOVPAD apps together, refining the first two texts, related courses, and marketing preparation for the second half of 2025. That would mean that all of the projects would essentially have been completed over a period of 3 years: May 2022 to May 2025. And again, I know this may sound like a long time, but... sideline stuff and a full time job plus other factors have extended my original goal of getting it all done in 2 to 2.5 years.

Because I'm insane 🙂

Stay awesome,




For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.