230813 – MOOVPAD Web App Update

Chill Work Ambience 😎

I have absolutely no doubt that developers with more knowledge and experience in the industry would be able to produce results faster than I have been able to so far. Still though, I guess my progress has been ok up to this point. Hopefully you guys enjoy this awesome Chill Music Lab release while we take a look at what I mean 🙂

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Relaxed Learning & Coding

I spent the first coding session today searching for ways to potentially use standardised dropdown lists, similarly to the way I used textboxes, and modify some of the style attributes to suit the UI. And even though I understood what was being done in the examples, it still hasn't worked quite the way I would like it to. So if we think about 2-3 hours of searching for examples as well as trial and error, we're probably looking at double that by the time I'm able to see if it's even possible.

A seasoned developer would have no problem doing the same thing in less than half an hour I reckon, and would know before they started if the result would be what they expected. That's a pretty big difference, yeah? But I continue to learn new skills, and gradually the project has indeed progressed. At this stage, I can say the MOOVPAD Web App is around 60% ready for the first round of testing, and the next section I'll be working on is the user profile editing screens.

Hope you guys have an amazing week ahead, and catch up soon with more news 🙂

Stay awesome,


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For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.