Working 😎
Hopefully we've all had a great few days recently, with some fun and progress along the way as well.
Here's the latest release from the team at Chill Music Lab for us to vibe to as we take a quick look at some of the happenings with MOOVPAD 🙂

HTTP Issues & Getting Creative
The main ongoing issue at the moment with the coding continues to be the HttpClient request from the app to the database. I have reached out to professionals with lots of experience in WASM, and so far the feedback has come back with solutions I have already tried. Not sure what the issue is, but glad that at least it isn't a basic, stupid mistake.
Speaking of "mistakes"... I'm thinking it might be time to introduce some more fun into the Blog. I have an idea for a creative literature feature, based around a main character that makes a looooot of mistakes, then always finds something or someone else to blame, as well as a few other potential characters if needed. Might be... interesting. You'll just know when you see it 😈
Stay awesome,