Building New Data Methods

Drums & Rhythmย ๐Ÿ˜Ž

With a whole heap of progress made on the new approaches to data handling and the workflow planned for linking the different sections of the MOOVPAD Web App, it's time for a little celebration, and this latest release from the always vibrant 'the man from del monte'... well, just enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚


SQL Methods

In order to get all the different UI screens (like those in the captures here) linked together the right way, without needing to resort to using blind linking, it was necessary to introduce the appropriate data methods. And that's what we can see in the right-half of the capture below. These are just a few of the methods developed using the examples from the learnings.

Now of course, because they've been refined specifically for my own purposes, they'll appear very simplistic. But sometimes the simplest approaches work best, yeah?

Hope to catch up again soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Stay awesome,

