Chill Time 😎
After a solid afternoon of coding, helped along by the always awesome Chill Music Lab vibes like this one to set the ambient mellow, it's time to take a short break, share a quick look at progress so far today, and enjoy the tunes for a while before getting straight into an evening session 🙂
Updates Viewer
The screen capture to the left shows the first use of the scroll view custom control that was developed yesterday. This particular application of it still requires some small additions for completion but overall, things appear to be working well. The main additions needed are the specific rollover and click event handlers for the various elements, as well as the scroll buttons themselves on each side of the rows.
I'm considering the use of a third colour for some button rollovers, although the two currently used have been adequate up until now. The next use of the scroll viewer will be as seen in the design to the right 🙂
Stay awesome,