Chill Chill 😎
Hopefully everyone is having an amazing day/night so far, and looking forward to a great weekend ahead too. I've been working really hard to get through as much MOOVPAD work as possible over the last day or so because this week has been a little busy with sideline tasks too. Let's enjoy this latest awesome release from Chill Music Lab while we take a look 🙂

UI Interop Linking
On the left is a screen capture from a little while ago, showing the progress made on the MOOVPAD dashboard. Unlike a simple placement of objects in markup, all of the elements added here are designed to be positioned dynamically as window size changes (e.g. if a user decides to maximise or shrink the window on their laptop) or for use on different devices (e.g. tablet vs mobile), all handled through javascript rather than basic CSS (for future development purposes).
During this first stage, the design is mainly aimed at desktop/laptop devices as the main aim immediately after the first couple testing phases is to better facilitate the online courses and material that will be available through the Kickstarter. Later development stages will then look at further optimisations for smaller devices like mobiles specifically.
Might have some more progress later, but for now... 🙂
Stay awesome,