Time To Concentrate 😎
Hopefully we've all had a productive few days so far into this week, and ready for some more great outcomes until the fun planned for the weekend.
This latest awesome release from Chill Music Lab will help get us focused on the important tasks while I catch us up 🙂
Interface Development
The capture to the left shows the progress from last night and this morning towards putting together the interface from the designs already developed. All of the buttons in the top left are now functional in terms of rollovers and scaling as the window is resized. The only parts missing from this stage of the interface development are the alerts and login and cart icons.
The total lines of code needed to get all of this working so far are less than 1000, and when combined with all the code written for the testing interface and interop layers already developed over the last couple of months, I am still within the overall goal of less than 10,000 lines of code in total.
For the rest of the day, I'm going to be working on the framework and next patent application.
Catch up again soon, and all the best 🙂
Stay awesome,