Concept Moodboard

That Kinda Space 😎

Getting into the right headspace when I want to relax and get creative is all about the right vibe. This awesome set from Kirin, an artist I always feel sets a really cool mellow, is the one I have in the background right now while I share some of the progress from last night and look at what's coming up for the next work session. Hope you enjoy 🙂


Some Great Design Concepts

For a long while now, I've been gathering examples of designs that I felt had something special to offer. Whether it's colour palettes, layouts, imagery, overall structure, or any combination of these. Last night, I took some of those concepts and put them together into a moodboard to help provide some inspiration for MOOVPAD web design ideas.

So for the next work session (and maybe the following one too), I'm going to try and start on some of the design work for the MOOVPAD Web App being developed right now. These will be outlines only at this stage because they're just getting started, and there will need to be a lot of photography and other work done to build the material to be used in the final design. But getting a start now is probably a good idea.

This work might mean I need to scale back the goals I set for the coding, but some of the HTML I was starting to do called for at least some idea of how the final product might be structured, transitions, etc.

Catch up again soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

