Changing Pace 😎
Yes folks, it's been a good day of progress on the MOOVPAD web app and some important goals were met, as well as sorting out some better ways of doing things for future reference. Hope you enjoy this latest release from Cafe Music BGMC as we see the day's results 🙂
Physiologic Assessment Data
While most functions within the MOOVPAD apps, for online, desktop and mobile versions, require only basic data access and retrieval methods, the physiologic assessments required me to get a little creative to ensure I wasn't misreading the situation on the various UI panels. It's a technique I've used many times in the past (and in various contexts 😉 ) and has served me quite well so far.
For example, if I need to ensure that what I'm seeing on the UI is true, I might try something completely unexpected and unusual for a test, then observe the result. Today was a chance to test an important data retrieval function and I used this same approach. In the end, I was able to sort out why the data I was getting on the UI was so weird.
So here's to being creative 🙂
Stay awesome,