MOOVPAD Web Update

Morning Started Right 😎

Sometimes I save something special for the right time, when all the pieces fall into place. This latest awesome release from Oliver Heldens is this week's special something. This is the one I chose this week to share at the right time with you guys, because I normally share his great work as soon as it drops, just like a select few of the other amazing artists. Hope everyone enjoys it with me while I catch us up real quick 🙂


SQL & Class Library

Over the past few days, my focus has been on the UI Interop coding and the codebehind of the UI layer, trying to get the SQL interface working the way I need it to. Progress has been gradual but solid. The homepage, new assessments and recalling previously completed assessments are pretty much ready for future completion when everything else is ready.

There's still plenty of work to complete on the MOOVPAD Web App but so far, everything seems to be moving really well and today should hopefully see more progress on the next part of the project. More on that soon.

Catch up with you guys again soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

