Writing Afternoon

Yeah... I See The Pattern Too 😎

Some things won't ever change. I learned a long time ago to accept that and focus on the things I can change to make life better. Lessons learned, and sometimes the hard way. Thankfully, music to the rescue once again with this mellow latest release from Work Music Lab helping maintain the work focus on the core of the project 🙂


Books & Courses

For the next work session, my focus will be on adding more content to the Summary FS-SE book as well as the related course material. The goal is to have all of these reward items ready for the Kickstarter when the MOOVPAD Web App has gone through the final testing phase after deployment on MS Azure (hopefully well before the end of 2022, but that Azure part of it is completely new to me and I'm still learning).

As with all things, I'll face the challenges at the right time and on my own terms. Because... timing 😉

Catch up with you guys again soon.

Stay awesome,

