MOOVPAD Web App – Latest Update

Ooooooffffff... ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Sometimes we reach a special point in time... a specialย  kinda... turning point, if you will ๐Ÿ™‚

And when things change so beautifully, we need to celebrate again. Yes, twice even. And 'Seismic Noise DnB' have just the right vibe for us tonight. Enjoy as we take a look.


UI Interop Update

The change in the recent couple hours is subtle, but that kind of progress that just hits home with a special meaning for those with an understanding of what's really happening. You see, the challenge was to ensure that the data entered would be two-way linked and updated dynamically, with the UI sensing the changes in the data and responding well.

The capture shows this happening. Once the user is signed in, they are able to navigate to the MOOVPAD dashboard and start a physiologic assessment of their choice, and the UI loads up some basic data entry elements (will be updated as well soon to include a start and stop button, as well as a timer to indicate stage progress as the user exercises). The UI also then takes in the data entered and dynamically loads that into the table as necessary (shown here with sample entries only).

So the main point of tonight was to get the UI Interop layer to recognise what was actually happening on the UI layer.

Who'd a thunk it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stay mega-awesome,

