UI Layer Update

Drums & Rhythmย ๐Ÿ˜Ž

That time of day when I've done a fair bit of work and made some really good progress, and I want a mini-celebration break, needing just the right level of drums to bounce to... and find that Aly & Fila's latest is perfect for the job.

Hope you all enjoy this awesome mix as I update real quick ๐Ÿ™‚


Dynamic Data Binding

The capture to the left shows one part of the progress made in the second coding session for the day. The section of code on the right side shows how I'm updating each row of the table based on stages in an array, with each stage having it's own set of values for different variables. I chose this approach rather than declaring separate parameters for each potential stage.

I've also made some progress with the UI Interop layer, with code now written for taking in resting, active and recovery data, making the calculations necessary and collating the data so it's ready to send to the database.

Still plenty of work to come later today, but time for tunes and a bit of a break ๐Ÿ™‚

Stay awesome,

