MS Azure: Levelling Up

Victorious Air-Guitar'n 😎

Behold... I return to you all as victor, having conquered Mt Learning on another day of glorious nerd battle, where my cerebrals demolished the enemy before them.

Actually, I just got through a couple of short basics modules online... bet that first description sounds better now, huh?

Hope you enjoy this cool Chillhop Guitar vibe as we share 🙂

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I Did Level Up But 🥳

Yes folks.. I now know things like IaaS, PaaS and even SaaS, and even what those things actually mean. Truth be told, they are really simple descriptions of how services on MS Azure are offered to users, in the sense that you either work from an infrastructure, platform or end-point software level. The infrastructure level means that MS Azure provides the basic servers and you do everything else, while SaaS means that Azure provides basically everything you need.

Also covered Azure Regions, management and resource groups, and some other really basic topics. The next stage will look at Azure for research (kinda interesting geekish for me, but feel free to roll your eyes right aboooouuuut... now).

Don't even care. Why? Cos I is Level 3 now!

Feel that? Yeah you do!!!

[insert Ace Ventura graphic]

Catch up again with you guys soon hopefully 🙂

Stay awesome,


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