Good Learnings 😎
Another really busy and long day with lots of work to get through, but some good progress made. Hopefully this awesome station from Work Music Lab keeps us focused on our tasks and suitably mellow as we start to get into the really hectic stages of work ahead. Let's see the results so far 🙂
Intro To Blazor
As expected, the first parts of the MS tutorial/course covering Blazor went through some of the usual basics about the languages and key concepts. Some broad examples of how Blazor apps are structured, different ways of interacting with the Razor components and a general introduction to data binding (which I had already covered before several times).
Some good affirming lessons though, letting me know that my current thinking is on the right track with the MOOVPAD v2.0 website. There will be a need to do a little more though on my end before I'm 100% sure that this approach will meet my goals for the framework.
All good... the learning continues tomorrow, and might even get a bit more in-depth 🙂
Stay awesome,