Sometimes You Just Wanna Know It’s OK

All That Matters 😎

Hopefully everyone is having a great day/night and getting lots of things done towards their overall goals, like I have been trying to lately. It's been a looooong night, but totally worth it, to know the things I feel are important are safely moving in the right direction. Here's a vibe from Cure Music to help set the mood for this late night share before getting some rest 🙂


MS SQL & Core Code

So after a long day and a night that could have potentially gone very wrong, it feels good to know the project is progressing well with solid goals heading into the future. Not sure about you guys but for me, it's always easier to come down hard on myself to make sure that the most important goals are being met in the right way and the overall project is safe and sound.

Having gone through some rough learnings and even rougher patches where I thought the project might be in danger, it's a relief to know that things are not as bad as I originally thought. From here, I'm hopeful that with gradual progress over time, the MOOVPAD objectives can be met and that the community eventually gets to experience what I am trying to deliver to them towards meeting their important goals.

So that's a goodnight from me til tomorrow 🙂

Stay awesome,

