Dependency Injection: Just Not Vibin’

...This Tho... Yep Yep 😎

Sometimes we need to look at the bigger picture of things and just say "you know what... why?", then dip quick.

This vibe from U:Fourier UK is an awesome mood for tinight's share, adding that 'lil energy for the last bit of work.

Enjoy 🙂


Depenedency Injection Suuucks

I know a lot of brilliant people developed it, and I'm sure lots of people 'get it', but even though I can tell you guys how human physiology works on the atomic level, I'm just not vibing right with dependency injection. To the left is an example of how it's used (left side) versus a more direct approach for SQL and data handling (right side). In theory, dependency injection should reduce written code, which it does. But the abstraction is a little too much for me. I like to understand the 'how' and 'why'. And that stuff pushes all three of my brain cells too far.

SQL GitHub Samples

I've already published the basic structure of SQL code that I developed way back when I built my first in-house app for the healthcare clinic I used to operate, and that can be found at this link:

Screenshot from 2022-05-15 20-02-32

So Why Razor?

The MOOVPAD code was written in C# because it needs to run on all platforms, in both online and offline mode, and on desktop and mobile devices. Razor pages allow me to use that code pretty much unchanged, thereby passing on the logic needed for the growing PAPE framework, while using HTML, CSS and JS on the front-end of the web app for UI design.

The most important consideration for me (besides reducing the number of languages and approaches I need to learn - since I'm not looking to on-sell my skills as a developer) is to ensure the computational power and simplicity are maintained as the PAPE framework at the core of MOOVPAD apps continues to grow. And yes... there's more to come 😉

For now, I'll leave you guys to it and catch up again soon.

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-11-28 08-40-13