Here’s To The Future

Working For It 😎

It's officially Monday here in Sydney, and I'm about to get started on a whole new week with the focus on getting as much done this week as I can, because there's still so much to do that it can get overwhelming. But when the future is important enough, we turn up a vibe like this awesome mix from Sound Cloudx and get stuck right in 🙂


MOOVPAD Website v2.0

I'll be starting the day with some more progress with MS SQL and VS work. Yesterday I ended up setting aside a very small part of the tutorial that was mainly about bootstrap CSS (I bookmarked the content to go through a bit later though). Right now, my main goal is to get some solid progress with the main functionality of the web app.

Kickstarter Campaign

After the MOOVPAD web app, I'll then try and get some more writing done on the Summary Book and perhaps a bit more done on the course too. I also aim to get some more ideas sorted for the coasters today.

Can you tell I'm trying hard yet? 🙂

Catch up real soon.

Stay awesome,

