"TMW" Vibe 😎
You know how we sometimes come across a point in time that changes things, and we look back on it and think "that moment when"... hopefully we can all think back positively about those moments and be glad they turned out the way they did. Here's another awesome mix from Chill Music Lab, consistently bringing the right mood for progress 🙂

Booklet Outline Done
Yesterday and earlier today, I managed to finish up the outline of the first algorithm summary booklet, which basically condenses all the framework elements from the first book into a concise form. The only additional bits that I now want to add are the finishing touches to make sure it is a positive element for users in the end.
When I see all the amazing people achieving such great things and staying real and true to their values, it reinforces in me the need to remain humble, stick to the basics and focus on getting things done right. You guys continually lead by example, and it really is awesome to have you as positive role models to look up to. And if I keep trying really hard, who knows... I might one day make a positive impact.
So I guess I have to keep working to keep getting better 🙂
Much love and respect to you guys as always.
Stay awesome,