Meanwhile... Grateful Vibe 😎
Hopefully everyone is enjoying a great start to their day/ night with plans for great things ahead when it comes to work, creativity and living a life that's free and meaningful. This extended track from Soul Healing Musica should help us get into a relaxed mood for whatever we may have happening today, as I update some new ideas I've been working on 🙂
UI Design Ideas
Although I personally have very little professional design experience myself, I have been very fortunate to have the chance to get inspired by some very talented people with real world experience in design and development of ideas from the concept through to the deployment phases. These people are so talented in fact, that even a potato would get some benefit from spending time learning from them 😉
While these particular designs I'm sharing tonight might not make sense just yet, I'll be sharing more about these and others as time goes on. For now though, picture a simplified approach to visualising all the complicated algorithms within the PAPE framework that MOOVPAD apps will be using.
Hope to catch up again with everyone real soon.
Stay awesome,
Future Disclaimer: At The Drop Of A Hat - Bare Back Neked ☠️
For those who might get in the way:
All the info is ready, links prep-ed, mind made up.
Test me at any point moving forward and I'll make sure I handle things out here in public, ride you bare back neked into history, and never let go.
All I need to add is a personal statement... and I already know what I'd like to say.