The Learning Continues

Bird's Eye Vibing 😎

We all need to make mistakes and suffer losses in order to learn when it's important to step back or take higher ground so as to see a fuller picture. I've made so many mistakes through life, and lost so many great things, that I've learned quite well when to try and see the bigger picture. Hope this awesome D&B mix from Sound Territory finds you well as I wrap up the last couple of days.

Screenshot from 2022-03-14 13-06-18

Marketing Channels

Last time around when I was running a small private practice, I relied too heavily on a single promotional channel (a particular social platform), and this made it very easy for those wanting to destroy my progress. This time around, I'm trying to be a little smarter about things. Not only am I looking at multiple promotion and distribution channels, but I'm also learning when to ask for help rather than trying to do everything alone like I usually do.

These, and others, have been important lessons in recent times for me. I've been very fortunate to meet some incredible people along the way, as well as a whole bunch of new (and old) ones who have clearly been preparing to do what they can to prevent my progress. I just felt it was important to expose some of the key parties involved in that sort of thing, but wanted to wait until the right time.

Timing always beats blind speed 😉

Genuine well wishes to all the awesome people out there, and let's hope I've been able to learn enough along the way to make it all worthwhile for you and I together. I'll reach out for your support when the time is right. In the meantime, we might get to have some fun, yes? 🙂

Stay awesome,



Future Disclaimer: At The Drop Of A Hat - Bare Back Neked ☠️


For those who might get in the way:

All the info is ready, links prep-ed, mind made up.

Test me at any point moving forward and I'll make sure I handle things out here in public, ride you bare back neked into history, and never let go.

All I need to add is a personal statement... and I already know what I'd like to say.
