Nighttime Gaming

Mellow Vibes 😎

Hopefully this awesome mix from Blume finds you guys safe, happy and well, ready for a day/night of creativity, fun and progress to come.

Here's a look at my day so far and the rest of tonight 🙂


Work Progress

All the major tasks I've had on today were completed. I'm starting to think that I could make the whole Appendix section simpler if I just provide useful links to established protocols, rather than including detailed explanations, as these generally require a lot of discussion to make them clear for readers, especially since the book is aimed at general audiences.

With all the work over for the day, and knowing that I have a later than usual start for my other work over the next two days, I can afford to spend some extra time just chilling with some gaming and sleep a bit later. I might also look to download a new one for me (PUBG).

Catch you guys again soon.

Stay awesome,

