Starting To Add Some Broad Details
Yesterday I shared the main blocking work that I did on the motherboard model. Of course I've been trying to learn techniques that the pros use, and although I'm still nowhere near as fast or as skilled just yet, I feel like I'm gradually improving. You can see some of the gradual addition of details like extruded faces matching those on the real board and separating out specific panels too. It's amazing watching the pros work though. Needless to say, I'm learning a lot.
Update on DDoS, Bots & Exploit Attempts Blocked
In the last 24 hours, 6 DDoS, 8 attempted exploits and 22 aggressive bots were all blocked by the site's security measures put in place by the host. They've diversified 🤣
I only show you these trends now so as to establish that these are part of an ongoing and persistent pattern. Realising that most of you visiting the MOOVPAD site already know this is happening, and not wanting to constantly display stats moving forward, I'll ask you to simply accept that the pattern has been established and allow me to work on the solutions in the background. Does that sound fair enough?
As always though, it's been fun proving a point, and sharing the realities of the attempts to block progress of MOOVPAD. The main message that I hope you take away from all these data is that the attempts to prevent the success of the project are real, and that they will ultimately fail 😉
But I'll keep sharing the "special moments" with you though 😈
Stay awesome,