MOOVPAD Ecosystem

Workin' Chill 😎

Don't know about you guys, but I've been working on a few different things already today, and I can always use a good vibe to help with focus. Hope you enjoy this awesome track as I explain the planned MOOVPAD Ecosystem and what it means.

Here we go...

Screenshot from 2021-10-04 15-55-05

Platforms & Devices

The MOOVPAD suite of apps needs to cater for users running on different operating systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, macOS) and on the full range of common devices (phones, tablets, desktops and laptops). And so each version of MOOVPAD will need to have variations on the UI level to account for differences across these factors.

Screenshot from 2021-09-18 20-35-34

General & Professional

There will also be two broad categories of users, those using the apps for their training, and health, fitness and training professionals who use the apps to link with their clients. Whatever the case, MOOVPAD users will expect to be able to link their own activities across platforms over time, as well as linking with others potentially.

Integrating UX

To achieve these links and thereby integrate the various user experiences, an "ecosystem" overview is important during the planning stages of a project like MOOVPAD. By ecosystem, I'm referring to the combination of devices and systems (including servers), the different apps, and the end users themselves.

For all these reasons, and others, MOOVPAD is being planned as more than a simple mobile app that can be generated with templates. Because there's a lot more involved in this particular case.

Progress is solid, plans are being updated regularly, and a view is kept on external factors and their development too (e.g. new and emerging tech and trends relevant in this space).

Stay awesome,