New Animation – Particle Vortex

...And Then We Overcame

Another great vibe from the guys at Music Lab but this time, from a while back, inspired by the after-times. When the life-storm has passed and you recover, and begin to grow and shine again.

Hope this track and the completed animation below help your Sunday chill. Here we go.

Come Into The Light 😎

Screenshot from 2021-10-03 13-00-18

The Concept

The premise of this exercise was to generate a particle vortex that could be used either on it's own or as part of a larger scene. The other requirement was that it be an effect that could be achieved in Unity later on. And so the objects were kept very simple for this testing phase.

As you can see in the image to the right, I used three forcefield modifers applied to the main sphere, to help achieve the vortex-like flow of the particles. Gravity was also removed.

Once the settings for each modifier were made as shown, the next step was to simply add the emission to the particle material. Note that in this animation, the particles were kept as very tiny cubes because there are 200,000 of them used to give the effect (but being so small, you don't notice their shape).

Screenshot from 2021-10-03 13-01-05
Screenshot from 2021-10-03 12-59-37

In the example shown in the video, the camera was setup last and not animated. However this could also be changed to give the effect of flying around through and within the particle vortex, as an added feature. Additionally, a similar particle system could be applied around one or more objects in a scene if you simply position the system appropriately.

Stay awesome,