Coding Resources

Onwards & Upwards 😎

Here's another great vibe for me to leave you with for a while as I go offline to finish some coding until later.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day so far, and ready to think about what they might want to learn as a new skill. Here's a look at some coding resources.

We All Can

I am a firm believer in the principle that anyone can learn to do anything, provided they are willing to put in the time and effort, and have access to good learning materials. So in this post, I wanted to share some useful resources from (available as video courses on YouTube).

Listen guys, if I can learn to do these things then seriously, you can too. Believe me. Just pick the area of interest to you, and get started. You don't even have to start with an end-goal in mind. Simply choose something that you feel might be interesting to learn about. It might not be coding. Could be design, animation, game dev... whatever.

Learning to use VS Code

This is a uni level course specifically aimed at learning to use VS Code, which I would describe as a lighter version of Visual Studio, available for both Windows and Linux. This particular course is one that I have earmarked for myself later down the track so that I can do more of my coding on Linux.

Beginner Programming Course

If you've never tried to write any code before, then a course like this one might be your best bet. It starts right from the beginning and teaches you to write code using a language called C# (pronounced C sharp). I think this language is one of the most popular among app developers looking to build GUI apps, with another being Visual Basic. There are other options too of course, but these are the ones I've used myself.

All Things JavaScript

JavaScript is a language I think of mainly for creating web-based UI, handling things like buttons and other graphical elements on web pages. This course will help you build menus, sidebars and other important features using JavaScript.

Stay awesome,