Plan – 21.09.20

Chill Chill Vibes 😎

The start to another night's work, are we ready?

Hope you enjoy this nice mellow, as we look at what's to come tonight. Here we go.

Chill chill 😃


We have lots more code to get through and tonight I'll be starting with that. I'm still porting over code and tweaking it as I go along, and that's working well.

Hopefully I can get another few good hours of coding done.

Screenshot from 2021-09-18 20-35-42

Unity Practice

I'll also be trying out different techniques for shaping, rendering and lighting in Unity.

So far I've been building in Blender exclusively, then importing all the models in to Unity from there. I want to see how easy it is to model directly in Unity, and what kinds of limits apply.

3D Fun

The goal is to end up with at least some free time to do some more creative things in Blender too. Last night I managed to get some camera and outlining progress happening with Project TF-001. Let's see what else we have going on tonight.

And there may be the odd surprise here and there... you know, the usual sort of thing for E 😉

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-09-20 00-06-54