Techin' Out Vibes 😉
Yes ladies and gents, despite some technical difficulties with my Windows machine (good on ya MS), I am able to share some awesome tunes from these guys for your ongoing chill-venience, while I write this post about the 3D modelling work.
The Process Explained
Last night I shared a quick test image where I imported a head into Unity and quickly applied a material to see how well/easily this would go. I found no errors/issues. But it seems some may have thought I was showing some sort of final product. So tonight I wanted to outline the current process as I learn and develop my skills.
As you can see in the larger image above, I've been saving copies of my work throughout the process, showing different stage of the development of the character rig.
There are several reasons for doing this:
- Helps with the learning and review later;
- Allows for quick changes from a saved starting point;
- May help with future work/projects moving forward.
Before the rude interruption, thanks to Windows, I was able to put in some more detail around the eyes, nose and start building around the mouth (as you can see it's still to be completed). I am doing this work on one model (human head) for now, and will then repeat it as needed for other characters.
Blender makes it easy to save things like this along the way, and I learned by observing professionals doing their thing in similar ways to speed up future development. Hope you enjoy the progress, and even try Blender for yourselves just for fun (because it really is, trust me 🙂 ).
Next Up
I'm going to try and repair my Windows desktop tonight (think I know the problem), and if all goes well with that, I should be able to continue coding on it tonight.
This post proudly brought to you by Linux Ubuntu on another machine 😉
Stay awesome,