Plan – 21.09.15

Flow Chill

Ok guys, I always start with some great vibes for the night and then see where the adventures take us. Tonight is now exception, so please enjoy this awesome track that I have playing right now as I write to you. What's on for the night?... Let's see.

New learnings

I'll start with some new tutorials and material relating to using Unity, and in particular how I can get the UI elements I want to use working the way I plan. This will be blended with some scripting of my own as I go along.

Should be fun 😉



Since I'll be working on the Unity side of things anyway, I think it's a good opportunity to start adjusting and porting some code over to the scripts there too. As I've said, this should be straightforward without any major hassles. However because it's a little finicky, it might take a few nights to get it all done. We'll see how things progress.

3D Fun

Then at some stage later tonight, I want to get some more work done on the character rig in Blender. This is the part I'm enjoying most right now. Not just the character but the 3D work in general is really fun and a good creative outlet to balance all the more serious coding and scripting to come.

Stay awesome,

