MOOVPAD Update – 21.09.05

Sunday Night Vibin'

This is the track I have playing right now as I prepare this post for you guys. Chill with a nice tempo for background focus-type flow. This thumbnail reminds me so much of uni res school. "Please to enjoy" 😉

So here we go...

Always Learning & Growing

Over the years, I've kind of soaked up a fair bit of knowledge, just through casual self-directed reading and tutorials, on the subject of DevOps. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it basically relates to how a project like MOOVPAD might be developed as an ongoing process of continuous integrations and deployment. It's really focused towards teams rather than a solo-dev, however the thought patterns are useful in my case too (and perhaps yours if you're in a similar position). So here's a link to the first part of a series on the subject of DevOps that I'm currently checking out.



The MOOVPAD UI has so far been developed as a set of features made to be deployed across different environments and with a few different flavours and themes. All of these have been designed within the constraints of traditional UI development more or less (with a few creative deviations).

But I've also been considering the use of Unity engine as a tool for building more sophisticated UI and UX offerings. For me, this consideration is about more than just simple asthetics. I believe I may be able to add extra functionality to the underlying core of the apps. Without going into too much detail here so as not to confuse things, Unity allows the merging of code with 2D/3D elements for UI and even game development scenarios. I personally am not looking to develop a game, but Unity is of the two major engines used for things like that (the other called Unreal Engine).

Over the next couple of months, I'll share some of the basic things I learn about these tools with you as I discover them myself.

Stay tuned for that.

PAPE Framework & Science

Over the last couple of days, we've been looking at what is the PAPE framework more broadly and how it began. And I'll continue to share general discussion on this in simple terms and without too much technical jargon or delving too deeply into the details that most readers wouldn't be that inerested in. Work continues on the development of this framework in the background though.

Publishing of the PAPE science and framework is going to be an ongoing project for me because there really is a lot to get through. And the framework continues to grow as I develop the science and applications further.

Wish me luck 🙂

Stay awesome,

