Visions of Futures Past 😎
No, I haven't lost my mind. Well... not completely anyway. Not yet at least 😉
Hope you enjoy this track as I take a quick look at a few tutorials I have bookmarked for my own learning in Blender and why they're important. Here we go...
Character Basemesh
A little earlier I demonstrated some of the things I'm experimenting with when it comes to lighting. Although these were done in Blender, I'm simply practicing for Unity and kind of prototyping ideas for future use. Character workups, however, are always done outside of Unity. So here is a tutorial on building character basemesh.
Whether you use a program like Z-Brush or Blender for sculpting characters, it is yet another tool that professionals use to get great looking results for modelling their ideas. however once a sculpted design is complete, it might be very detailed. And this presents another set of problems.
Retopology is the process of taking a very detailed model, with way too many vertices and polygons for animation, and generating a "simpler" form of that model specifically to be animated. As far as I understand the process so far, it still allows use of the higher-res model for display (maybe in close-up views) while relying on the lower-res model for the animation. Of course I'm still learning, but that's the idea.
Stay awesome,