Corporate Social Responsibility - Trust By Design
Here is a link to a post on 8th August 2021 stating the corporate social responsibility (CSR) mission statement for myself and MOOVPAD:
This was one of the first posts I made when the blog became active. I said then that trust is something earned over a long period of time, and it couldn't be bought. This core CSR principle has remained since that statement, and will be one the cornerstones of all MOOVPAD activities in the future as well. And I'm happy to remain accountable on this mission.

So the work began at the time to take the science that had already been developed, with some of it written into an initial draft text as well, and build it all into a set of general and professional user apps, while continuing to also expand on that science. Transparency was key as I moved away from social media, and remains so. The other major objective was that my own learning continued. So I kept exploring new technologies and ideas, creative, technical, business... basically wherever an opportunity to learn was found, I chased it.

Gradually, the apps started to develop over the next 3 years. But the core principles have always remained. A focus on building CSR objectives into every facet of the business plan, personal ongoing professional development and learning, a focus on keeping the apps relevant, useful and approachable, as well as safe on every level, transparency with the concerns as well as the wins... I won't bore you guys now with all of the specifics, but they're all still here in the blog. And the project has eventually become what I always wanted it to be, but only ever really dreamed of achieving as a solo dev.

If we go back over the blog posts of even just the past few months from September 2024, the learning has been immense. And I want this same growth potential for my future team too. Because if I can do something, I firmly believe anybody can do it. The truth behind building CSR into everything is that it's both liberating and at the same time a tough benchmark to maintain. But that's exactly what MOOVPAD will continue to do. And when the team I've been waiting to build eventually materialises, I know they will be even better and achieve much more.
What has been built over the past 3 years or so, and the science developed since 2011, are all just starting points for the next chapter.
It has been a pleasure being able to share the journey so far with you guys, and I genuinely wish you all the very best with whatever life brings you and whatever goals you chase. Until we catch up again some time in the future...
Stay safe, happy, and well... but most importantly... stay awesome.

For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.
This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.