240420 – MOOVPAD Pro – Project Structure Ready

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Widgets, Workspaces & .NET 8

Work has continued with the design of the widgets and workspaces for some of the remaining functions of the MOOVPAD Pro Desktop app, with only a few of the functions still requiring basic outlines. Today was focused on getting some of the basics ready in Visual Studio for the actual coding work ahead.

First task completed was bringing in the class library and web API into the solution. This of course required some code adjustment within the new project as some of the code already written for the dashboard of the MOOVPAD app for general users was imported into this new solution. Then came the updating of NuGet packages for the project in line with the new .NET 8 framework. And then I was able to get started on some of the actual development for the new solution, starting with the basic window and menu functions.

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Although not visible in these screenshots, the workspaces and widgets have already got their basic control structures in place. Some new graphics for the UI will help to make these visible, although I will still be masking some of the functions during the development process.

So now... more coding goodness 🙂

Stay awesome,



For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.