240226 – Patent Prep & Writing


Step 1 - References & Outlines

As with any writing I've done in the past, putting together this new patent begins with a general series of relevant points and ideas. From there, I begin gathering sources relevant to those and other related topics. Although I've gathered literally thousands of papers over the years, science is always evolving and new information comes out regularly.

Step 2 - Consolidating

With all the necessary new information ready, I then start to look at the work previously completed again, making sure that everything aligns right. Unlike writing for purely scientific publication, drafting a patent (as I'm learning) is also about a chain of progression from one set of commercial objectives to another. So it's important to get all the new and previous work linked the right way. One day I'll learn to explain myself better when it comes to patents. Unfortunately I'm not a patent attorney. I've just learned to do the work.


Step 3 - Final Submission

Then comes the final bits of fine tuning the patent draft. It's during this time that I can also take some of that new information and the ideas developed, and place them into the framework material to be published later. This part is always the most daunting for me because unlike the beginning of the process where things are mellow and ideas can be creative, this stage requires practicality to achieve the goals and get everything in the format necessary for submission.

Right Now

Not gonna lie... it's exciting to be catching up on the latest research being published and seeing what new knowledge I can add to my learning and my work. I know... totally too much nerd. But the results at the end are worth it apparently. Even if the brain explodes from time to time.

Well, more reference searching to build on the structure, and hope you guys have a great couple of days ahead 🙂

Stay awesome,


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This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.