240217 – MOOVPAD Apps – Server Development

Ongoing Learning - Server-Side

To the left are a couple of links to resources I've found that look at developing a server app that can be linked to remotely for general data processing without the need to enter temporary data into a database server. This is useful for time-dependent functions, for example.

Although I get the general approach to these types of features, I still think I need to learn more about them to make sure I get the features working right. It's not a security issue in this case since the data is completely meaningless to anyone accessing the information inappropriately. It's just making sure the processes are efficient. Meanwhile, I'll get back to UI design and development while the learning continues.

Let's pretend like I just made sense 🙂

Stay awesome,


Screenshot 2024-02-06 040011


For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.