240207 – MOOVPAD Apps – Journey Ahead

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The Work Remaining

A few weeks ago on 14/01/24, I looked at the timeline view of the MOOVPAD projects overall and what is planned for the future. In that post, I mentioned the development work needed in terms of the MOOVPAD apps. However this may have given the impression that each project will run through to completion before I progress to the next.

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The reality of the work is a bit different. While the MOOVPAD Web App was the first project and had the most focus initially because so much of the processing code was being developed at the same time, the planned work since and still to come has been focused on the UI layers of the Desktop first, and now the Mobile version. This may have made the progress seem like each of these apps were being developed to completion. The actual work ahead involves gradually moving between these platforms, working on the layers rather than the project level.

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That's because with much of the processing code now developed for the UI Interop and main data handling objects, the current goal is to progress on the UI layer itself across these different apps, knowing that the code for the work remaining can be developed to work across these different platforms without many changes. Of course, there's still plenty of work to be done on the coding itself throughout all of the work ahead. The reason is that during the development process up until this point, the goal was to establish 'templates' for how the main processes need to work, and those templates needed to be flexible enough to work across the various platforms. But as anyone who has built any kind of complex app will likely tell you, there are many processes that may be considered 'sideline' but still very necessary for a successful, maintainable app to be completed on even a single platform (let alone multiple).

And so once the main UI work on the Mobile version is complete, you can expect to see a lot more back and forth between all the different versions. You can also expect whatever remains of the original zero sanity I started with to gradually vanish 🙂

Stay awesome,



For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.