240206 – MOOVPAD Mobile – MOOV Screen

Screenshot 2024-01-09 001546

MOOV Screen Built*

It's been a long day and night, but I managed to make some progress on the MOOVPAD Mobile App too. The screenshots here show the initial design and the current progress on one of the MOOV screens. As you can see, the dropdown list for mode selection needs to be added (once I learn how to use that control on this platform), and the counters for the gauge need their placement adjusted.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 040011

Using grid layouts to achieve a simplified UI for a complicated compound control, on a single sub-control layer, makes the work a bit more difficult to get right first time, but I'll keep working on that bit.

Hope you guys have an amazing day 🙂

Stay awesome,


Screenshot 2023-10-26 214747


For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.