240201 – MOOVPAD Mobile – New UI Structure

Screenshot 2024-01-21 160310

2-Layer Simplified Structure

Yesterday I mentioned the use of embedded ContentViews within the second layer of the UI, to separate out different functions within the same control. Last night I was working until the early hours of this morning on a simplified approach in terms of this layer structure. However the normal methods of UI markup in XAML weren't going to provide the right level of event handling. So I balanced the simplified UI layer structure by adding a little bit of complexity to the layout.

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The markup highlighted in green (see the larger screenshot above) explains the logic behind my initial approach to this work. However using a HorizontalStackLayout control was wrong because there are no suitable event calls that would allow triggering the handling of the previews and custom scroll indicators, for example. Basically, although I wanted to remove the buttons completely if I could, I couldn't so I didn't 'cos I shouldn't re-invent a perfectly good wheel.

This Scroller280 ContentView is then embedded into the MainPage.xaml ContentPage file just like the UserLogin control was before. The layout for the visitor home screen will be changed to make better use of the space, and the buttons themselves may change a bit, but we now have a functioning UI structure 🙂

Stay awesome,


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