Chill Work Ambience 😎
The week just gone and the one coming up are examples of really busy weeks for me, having to handle multiple work, MOOVPAD project and personal goals all at once. But some good progress was made on subtle improvements and ongoing learning. Here's the latest awesome station from the team at Chill Music Lab while I catch us up real quick 🙂

Adjusting Colour Gradations
The last time I shared progress on the MOOV results gauge, I mentioned that the calculations for the physiologic work outputs were being made correctly, but the gauges themselves may need adjustments. Those adjustments were made successfully, and they are now displaying the results as originally intended. But improvements can go further.
Some of the more basic improvements include the addition of the finer details to new labels (e.g. the percentages when making comparisons), as well as a further adjustment to the colour of gradations near the 100% mark. At the moment, gradations for 40-90% are green, and then they move to orange. The original intention of this was to indicate a target zone. However orange is a colour that tends to suggest "prepare to stop" based on traffic signals. And I think I can improve the design to include an additional colour leading from 90% to 100%, and then up to 110%. But these are minor changes, and the gauges are basically working as intended.
More to come soon, and wishing you guys a great weekend 🙂
Stay awesome,

For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.
This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.