230720 – Integrating MOOVPAD Framework

Morning Prep 😎

Hopefully everyone is having a great day so far, getting ready for the weekend and planning some cool things coming up. I've been making some progress with MOOVPAD planning too, and wanted to share this latest awesome release from Chill Music Lab while I catch us up real quick 🙂

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Scientific Framework Info

If you've been following this page for a while, then you know that I'm also developing some more of the framework at the core of MOOVPAD apps, and have plans to release a set of courses and learning materials to coincide with the launch of the MOOVPAD Web App. These have been shown previously and I already have the first manuscripts.

As I've been developing the MOOVPAD apps, I've also been conscious of the fact that I need to incorporate some of this scientific framework knowledge into the apps for users, giving them easy access to definitions and meanings for a range of relevant concepts, in a way that makes it easy to absorb this information. Because of the way the UI is being set up, I need to make sure the UI prompts don't get in the way of user interactions. That's the main focus for me today in terms of planning, since I already have the content templates and custom controls for these coded in the markup.

With a couple days of focus from tomorrow, I'm hoping to make more progress on these points, and wish you a great few days ahead til we catch up again 🙂

Stay awesome,


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For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, links to the science and research at the core of MOOVPAD, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.