230715 – Gauge Update Stage 2

Afternoon Prep 😎

OK so I've made some progress on more than one of the important tasks for the day, and getting ready to continue with the afternoon's coding while enjoying this latest awesome release from Chill Music Lab as I go along. Hope you enjoy it too, and let's see the results so far 🙂

Screenshot 2023-07-12 120437

Yeah I know I Can't Divide By '0'

As the larger screen capture shows below, displaying the initial gradations (clear to start with) is no longer an issue when using the new UI Interops. That was the first step which actually got resolved last night, so that was good. This morning was focused on building the methods to add the different coloured gradations based on the calculations. Also good. But...

Screenshot 2023-07-15 081039

We all know that basic rule of mathematics that says we can't divide a number by zero, right? Somehow, somewhere, there's a zero sneaking into the functions and I just can't see where it's happening. And because of the whole 'you can't debug Blazor WASM apps like normal ones' thing, it's going to be a pain trying to find where it's happening.I have a feeling it may also be related to a weird error I was getting earlier with the MOOV results screen at times (seen in the capture to the right).

Once that's sorted, the rest of the code should hopefully work well, and the gauge in the screen capture should display the necessary colour coded gradations. Fingers crossed 🙂

Stay awesome,




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