230513 – Processing Profile Data

Nighttime Coding Session 😎

With a long work day already completed, as well as a short coding session just now, I thought I'd take this opportunity to post this next stage, and share with you guys this latest Chill Music Lab release while I catch us up real quick 🙂


Account Registration Data

The main steps for collecting account registration data are already complete in terms of the data-binding. So now it's about making sure that all that data is saved into the relevant data tables. Because I've already developed some template approaches to this from previous work, this next step in the profile registration process shouldn't take too long. The goal is to try and get through as much as possible of this stage over the weekend (including the necessary testing) so I can start the next part early next week.

I also had the chance to tackle a few bugs along the way, including some improperly loading screens or those not loading properly from the menu tab. Those small tasks are handled in the background on an ongoing basis, and I usually just summarise progress with them like this here.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and I'll catch up again with more progress soon hopefully 🙂

Stay awesome,




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This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.