Developing MOOVPAD Security One of the most important aspects of app development is of course security, especially where there is…
Menus & Homecreens Progress this weekend has included the development of two workspaces with their menus and workspace homescreens. Of…
Development With & For Others Up until now, I have only discussed and developed the MOOVPAD Pro & General apps,…
More Workspace UI Flexibility After the last post, I realised that there’s no real reason to force MOOVPAD Pro Desktop…
Workspace Docking & Windows Earlier today, I set the goal of getting the workspace controls shifted over to the separate…
Widgets To Workspaces The goal for the next five weeks will be to develop three workspaces for the MOOVPAD Pro…
Working With Multiple Windows For professional developers who build solutions for Windows desktop, the idea of multi-window applications is sure…
Main Dashboard Built All of the widgets for the MOOVPAD Pro Desktop main dashboard have now been built, and these…
Widgets Almost Done This four-day focus block has definitely seen some progress made on the MOOVPAD Pro dashboard, with only…
More Widgets Built Throughout the day, I’ve been taking care of some sideline tasks, while also planning for the current…