Afternoon Prep 😎 OK so I’ve made some progress on more than one of the important tasks for the day,…
Chill Work Ambience 😎 Last night was a good chance to work on some of the data retrieval aspects needed…
Working 😎 The schedule this week is a little bit weird with days off in the middle but scattered, with…
Progress 😎 Unlike more complex animations, the changing of images in response to changes in variable values should in theory…
Chill Chill 😎 Another solid evening followed by a good morning’s coding progress, with the Main Thread Multi-Tasking (MTMT) building…
Working 😎 After some good rest, I’m getting ready for a full day of work on MOOVPAD goals. But I…
Chill Work Ambience 😎 It’s been a relatively busy period recently, with less time than I would have liked to…
Evening Work Session 😎 Two days of really good progress with MOOVPAD goals so far and still another night of…
Progress 😎 Hopefully the last few days have seen us all making some good progress with our projects and work…
Positive Energy 😎 It was great to get a chance to wrap up some of the goals for this week,…