Chill Work Ambience π I’ve been wrapping up a some prep tasks over the last few days, getting ready for…
Progress π Hopefully you’ve allΒ had a great few days and made lots of progress with your goals. I’ve had…
Progress π Over the weekend and into next week, I’m going to get the chance to write more and incorporate…
Chill Chill π While the main focus recently has been on coding of the new interface elements, I’ve also realised…
Working π Just about to get started with some coding soon, and thought it was a good opportunity to address…
Progress π Hopefully we’ve all had a great start to our weekend and lots of enjoyable things with friends and…
Chill Chill π Peoples… it has been a really long day, with little sleep and lots of MOOVPAD and sideline…
Chill Work Ambience π I took the day off from sideline tasks and focused on getting as much progress happening…
Creative Progress π Having put together the first concept for UI metrics, I think it’s a good time to take…
Working π It’s been a good day of design progress, with some ideas for how to go from the basic…